Are You Ready To Own A Gun In California?

Gun ownership in California requires a huge amount of responsibility. But those responsibilities don't start after you make the purchase; you need to make sure you're ready before buying a gun by learning the laws and the requirements as well as familiarizing yourself with gun safety. Here's a quick checklist that lets you know what you need before purchasing from a licensed dealer. Proof of Citizenship and Residency If you're a U.

Want To Be A Member Of A Country Club? What To Know First

If you have been looking for a way to meet new people in the area, and to find a way to entertain yourself and your family, a great option to look into is a country club. If you are a member of a country club you get a lot of perks, and there are many things that you can do individually and as a family. Not only do you want to find out about membership fees and what the obligations are for members, but you want to look for a club that has the following things.